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Organization Profile

PBDG Foundation


PBDG’s (Professional Business Development Group) primary purpose is to improve the business conditions in the construction industry by increasing Preparation, Competitiveness and Relationships. PBDG members are women and minority construction contractors and professional services firms in the construction industry that share PBDG’s goal. PBDG was organized by its members with the recognition that, despite years of efforts, DMWESB construction and professional services contractors in the construction industry remain greatly under represented which negatively impacts the productivity, efficiency, and vitality of Portland Contractors and the construction industry as a whole. As a 501c6 trade association for minority-owned, women-owned and certified firms in construction. PBDG operates a technical assistance program through its Foundation. The PBDG Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that operates the Construction Business Training And Plan (TAP) Center. The Center provides wrap-around, construction specific, technical assistance services to meet participants where they are and build a long-term foundation for their business. They also work with other nonprofit organizations and business community partners to provide owners with access to valuable resources. The TAP Center is available to meet the needs of all COBID certified contractors and professional service firms (consulting, design, general services, architecture and engineering). Businesses do not have to be members of PBDG to utilize this resource.

Adult Education
Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups, Low-income Communities, Other

Common Messages