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Sample Project:  Create Employee Job Descriptions and an Employee Orientation


Name of Organization:  Portland Nonprofit

Tell us about your organization:  We are a medium sized nonprofit with a mission to raise awareness of the environment and the actions individuals and corporations can take to reduce their footprint on this earth.

Project Title:  Create Employee Job Descriptions and an Employee Orientation

Time commitment:  Medium project, estimated hours between 70 - 100, to be completed within 3 months of start date. Flexible hours.

Work Environment/Location:  ~ 50% of time at nonprofit location (address), 50% from home.

Project Description:  As a relatively small and newer nonprofit, we do not have formal job descriptions for our 20 employees. We are in the process of expanding to an additional location and will be hiring new employees at the new location. We need someone who can create job descriptions to match existing positions as well as a few positions that will be needed at the new site. We are also looking to create a brief Employee Orientation process to welcome our new employees and help them adapt quickly.

Key Deliverables: 

  • Interview existing employees to determine job tasks/deliverables.
  • Write up the position plans (in a consistent format) and review with direct manager for approval.
  • Review the organizational proposal for the new site and work with our ED to define positions required.
  • Based on discussions with leadership, create an employee orientation approach and content.
  • Review all new materials and processes with our staff.

Knowledge, Skills, Abilities Required: Strong organizational design perspective, excellent oral and written communications skills.

Education/Experience: At least 5 years of experience in HR, organizational development or staffing.

Resources: Access to our leadership team individually and as a staff will be provided. Desk space and a PC will be provided when working onsite.

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